December 3 is Giving Tuesday 2024 - a day of generosity to give to non-profits across the nation! When you support Grace Holistic, you support our students - body, mind and spirit. Amelia Earhart said, "A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees.” Our students are those trees. You can help them grow.
Donations are being accepted anytime until December 3 for this meaningful campaign. Our goal is lofty, but we also recognize the important work we do, and the impact that can be made when people or businesses come together. We are self-funded, receive no state aid, and provide tuition assistance to many. No amount is too small to make a difference. We genuinely thank you for considering us this year.
Support Grace Holistic Center for Education
Education is not one size fits all.
Schools like ours are so needed. We hear from many families how their child loves school again, how they believe in themselves again, how they are now thriving at GHCFE. But we also receive zero state funding, and rely solely on the generous donations from the community and tuition.
We are thankful for generous financial donations, shopping our wish list, choosing us on Amazon Smile, attending our fundraisers and community events and however you feel called to give. Check out all our detailed options below, or visit the quick links to our donation site and Amazon wish list.